Mirrhi is very bossy , constantly growling at me like she thinks she’s mum , tells me to not touch Arana ,yep a bit of jealousy, but so damn head strong I’m thinking she is very spoilt, but she was snarling and growling when 5 weeks old , no I won’t argue with her refuse to be brought into a confrontation, and refuse to dominate her , I tell her we are equal no bosses here , constantly calming her , I believe she gets frustrated as well , Arana is absolutely so different , she can have a hissy fit at Mirrhi but then she is up high where Mirrhi can’t get her , but never would she growl at her mum . Hmm perhaps the difference between wild born and domestic bred , way more confident no survival instincts in Mirrhi , she has something to say she says it,if in the wild she would need to learn to keep her attitude under wraps , but then I say what I think ,maybe we are to much alike .